Saturday, March 07, 2009


New to the blog-roll

There are two new blogs over on the left, under “Blogs I Read...”.

Altmode is a new blog by an occasional commenter here, my friend and colleague Jim Fenton. Jim’s a Distinguished Engineer at Cisco, and lives in the San Francisco Bay area. He has an internal Cisco blog where he writes about work, and has finally decided to start an outside blog to talk about other things. He’s not sure how much he’ll be inspired to write, but there are a couple of things out there so far, and I hope he keeps it up and writes regularly.

Terry Zink’s Anti-spam Blog is one of the many MSDN-based blogs by a Microsoft guy. Terry works on anti-spam as part of the Exchange Hosted Services team, after Microsoft’s acquisition a few years ago of Frontbridge Technologies. Of course, as with all these blogs, what Terry says there are his own comments, not officially tied to Microsoft. He sometimes has interesting things to say about spam and the fighting of spam.

Go check them out....

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