Saturday, March 25, 2006


"No news" is good news

When I'm away at meetings and conferences, I usually don't have time to pay attention to the news, and so I'm usually oblivious to it. I disconnect from the day-to-day running of the world, from its worries and mine, and I focus on where I am and what I'm doing. And it's so refreshing!

I like to keep up with what's going on, I really do. And so it surprises me somewhat that I can accept a "news fast" so readily. Yet I can, and I do. Being away at the IETF meeting this past week gave me another opportunity for it. I have to say that I know absolutely nothing about what's happened in the world in the past week, and I only wonder about it a little.

I'll catch up soon enough, and I'm sure I'll find plenty of it to blog about. For now, though, I'm still enjoying its absence for a little longer. It's good for the soul.

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