Friday, June 06, 2008



It’s probably a bad idea to title your art exhibition “The Assassination of Hillary Clinton/The Assassination of Barack Obama”:

New York City police detectives and Secret Service agents briefly detained and questioned an artist on Wednesday morning as he installed an exhibition with the title, “The Assassination of Hillary Clinton/The Assassination of Barack Obama.”

The artist, Yazmany Arboleda, tried to set up the exhibition in a vacant storefront at 264 West 40th Street in Midtown Manhattan, and had finished stenciling letters of the title on the plate glass windows at street level.

The police and Secret Service agents arrived about 9:30 a.m., and building workers quickly covered over the title with large sheets of brown paper and masking tape.

Mr Arboleda says the exhibition is about character assassination. And, of course, restricting what he can call the show is a free-speech violation — it’s wrong. Still, one should not be surprised at the result.

Pointers to this fortnight’s blog carnivals:

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