Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Fun with search terms

I like to look at the search terms that led people to these pages. Because people seldom use quotes around phrases, their searches often wind up finding arbitrary blog posts (or monthly archives) that happen to contain each of the relatively common words in the search, though not in the order nor context they entered them in.

My favourite, for example, was this one, which showed up a couple of years ago:

please help me! i’m being hunted by a government agency that doesn’t exist.

The other day, I saw two, done a few hours apart, that both happened to hit posts I’d written about rape. My guess is that whoever searched for “rape at us military academies” and found Women, military academies, and sexual assault got what s/he was looking for.

I suspect the guy who searched for “men getting whpped and raiped by women”, and found Get raped, get whipped, did not.


Thomas J. Brown said...

Oh man, yours are way better than mine.

Michelle said...

Hehe. I was just looking at mine earlier, and found someone who was looking for "why can't my work pay for milk?".. well.. I don't have the answer to that. That's actually remarkably innocent for my blog, usually the search terms are much dirtier.. and only occasionally do they find what they're looking for :)

lidija said...

How can you tell? I don't make mine searchable so it's not a big deal, but would still like to know.

Barry Leiba said...

I use StatCounter. There's code in my web page that gets the information to StatCounter, and they keep track of it for me. It's cool; there's also a nice map that shows me where in the world people are looking at my blog from.

lidija said...

Thanks, Barry. That was so easy...