Friday, July 31, 2009


Touring Stockholm

The IETF meeting in Stockholm is wrapping up today, and I’m about to take a few days to tour around before heading home. I’ll likely be little inclined to post here for the next few days — perhaps a photo or two, like the one below (taken from the Stockholm City Hall on Sunday afternoon, as the IETF meeting began; click, as usual, to enlarge), but nothing of substance until Tuesday evening or Wednesday.

So check back next week, and I’ll have posts about the conference and the touring. I also might not be approving comments between now and then, so if you send a comment, be patient and it will appear by Tuesday afternoon.

Stockholm's Gamla Stad (Old Town), viewed from City Hall
Stockholm's Gamla Stan (Old Town), viewed from City Hall

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Beautiful Barry... I just love old world architecture... thanks for sharing! Looking forward to more!

be well...