Saturday, September 05, 2009


Superstition ain't the way...

Some Americans believe that our president wasn’t born in the United States, or that his health-care plan will result in the death of Grandma. Some believe that, despite the enormous amount of evidence for evolution, scientists are uncertain and divided about the question. Some think the moon landing, the Holocaust, and AIDS are made-up fiction, and that God, angels, and the biblical account of creation are not. Some are under the impression that psychics can psych, that ghosts and magic are real, and that the positions of the stars determine one’s personality and one’s fate in life. There are those who are certain they’ve been borrowed by extraterrestrial aliens, experimented on, and returned.

Some even think Sarah Palin would make a good president.

Yes, many of us are silly and superstitious. But, of course, we have no monopoly on that.

Miyuki Hatoyama, the wife of the incoming prime minister of Japan, aptly demonstrates that:

“While my body was asleep, I think my soul rode on a triangular-shaped UFO and went to Venus,” Miyuki Hatoyama, the wife of premier-in-waiting Yukio Hatoyama, wrote in a book published last year.
“It was a very beautiful place and it was really green,” she adds.

You have to admit, she makes up more colourful craziness than most people come out with. I like the triangular shape, particularly. A fertile imagination, which her ex-husband deemed a dream. She’s confident that her new husband “would surely say ‘Oh, that’s great’.” I suppose that’s why she made the swap.


On a more serious note, I find the Reuters headline on that article to be bizarre:

Japan’s new first lady says rode UFO to Venus
It’s common to shorten headlines, often to the point of strained grammar and oddness, but the elision of the word “she” in this one seems entirely unnecessary, and truly weird.

1 comment:

The Ridger, FCD said...

That's a perfectly standard headline, especially for a Brit news-service. They routinely omit the subject of the clause following a "says" if it's the same as the sayer.